
Return Policy

Returning a brand new item in the first 15 days, in its original packaging is easy!
Email us at: [email protected] and get you RMA Number. Write your Order Number and RMA Number on a piece of paper, place inside the box and mail it back to us at:
Rcparts Returns
2093 haverhill Ct
West Palm Beach, FL 33415

Standard Return Policy

We will accept any New and Unused products for Refund or Store Credit within 15 days from purchase. We charge restocking fees and Original shipping cost will not be refunded,  

Lost or Missing Package Claims

If you have not received your order, and feel your package may be lost, please contact us for us to step up. 

NOTE: is not responsible for return shipping, nor any fees associated with return shipping.

Please take a moment to read our Terms and Conditions below.

  • services international and domestic customers.
  • Do not accept returns of products containing fuel, lithium polymer batteries or other hazardous materials.
  • All items should be packed to assure no damage is incurred during shipping. is not responsible for damage incurred during the shipping process, nor for packages shipped to, but not received by (lost in transit). Please insure packages and avoid shipping methods of carriers that do not provide tracking.
  • Warranty only applies as described by the product manufacturer and on products accompanied by a dated proof of purchase.
  • Warranty service or replacement decisions are at the sole discretion of the manufacture.
  • Collateral damage is NOT covered by manufacturer’s warranty.
  • When applicable, the customer is responsible for all brokerage fees, duties and taxes associated with the service and shipment of product.


Defective Merchandise Return Policy

If you receive an item that is defective please contact us by email at [email protected].

Please note: We reserve the right to refuse any merchandise that is found to be free of defects

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